One of the most important decisions in supplying Quality Grass-fed Lamb
Our family, @LambTex, takes pride in the quality of meat we deliver. We go to great lengths to ensure that the lamb we bring to your table is healthy, tender, and flavorful. A majority of the work ensuring great quality takes place on the farm, but without good processors, all efforts are in vain.
As farmers, we look for good Mammas (Ewes) and good Papas (Rams). We make sure that the sheep we raise have good meat to bone ratios, good confirmation, and that the Ewes will look after the lambs. We do not give them hormones or antibiotics, and we don't feed them grain to fatten them up. We ensure they live in a low stress environment and that they are comfortable with their protection dogs as well as their herding dogs.
When you don't feed grain to fatten the animal, there are so many benefits health-wise. In order to maintain the health benefits of grass-fed lamb and avoid toughness, chewiness, and gaminess, a farmer must put great focus on animal husbandry.
Our family, @LambTex, has traveled the state and worked with processors from the Panhandle to Central Texas. Ultimately, we chose a processor outside of Fort Worth who is amazing. Stress during processing causes animals to release lactic acid which makes their meat tough and dry. Our chosen processing team cares for the lambs; they are kind and gentle with them from start to finish. Ultimately, they are a partner who ensures that all of our efforts to bring quality grass-fed lamb to your table will not be compromised. The meat you get from LambTex is second to none.
*Writing this, as the proud son of the farmer, I will take this moment to brag on my parents. Beyond being raised on a farm, my father has more than one degree in Animal Science from a highly regarded Agricultural University. My mother has a similar background from rural New Mexico. Their focus on animal husbandry is one of the highest priorities, and they are an amazing team. It is for this reason that they have gotten the first part right and searched tirelessly for a processor who would ensure that the efforts to bring quality lamb to your table are successful.